Whatever brought you here…luck, good fortune, maybe reading about this 30 Day Gratitude Prosperity Challengedoesn’t matter. You have found a powerful resource to help you track all levels of abundance (big and small), expand your heart and upgrade the prosperity in your life!

Let’s be honest, if it were easy everyone would be doing it and making quantum leaps on their own. Exponential growthrequires a different heart and mind set with superior daily habits – like this one, looking at life as endless opportunities for prosperity and success. It’s a unused muscle that grows stronger and stronger by using this powerful gratitude tool in this specific way.

From the moment you begin, you’ll be challenged to think and live your 1,440 minutes each day much differently, with intention, vigor and unlimited potential.

You’ll immediately begin to realign with the abundance in your current life which will change your current heart status to one of gratitude vs lack.

Why is this step such an important part of the prosperity growth acceleration process? Because unless you begin to have these deeper conversations, unless you learn how to shift your perspective towards the good that is already here, and unless you apply a new mindset that has multiplier potential in it… you will never experience the explosive financial growth you desire.

As someone who has experienced this first hand personally and repeatedly, consistently works with other people and organization who have used these principles for accelerated growth in the most profound ways… I am elated that they will soon become yours as well!

That’s why I created the 30 Day Prosperity Challenge… to share with you the exact process I’ve learned through teachings such as “The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity” and “Millionaire Mindset”… and while coaching people directly to high performing outcomes in their life. If your aim is to close the gap and truly prosper you are in the right place!!


For the next 30 days… you need to do just 3 things.

Go all in and Commit… put excuses aside…say yes and start. You must see the next 30 days as self honor and respect. You are doing this for your future self. You are obtaining a new level. Committing to the next 30 days won’t be easy, remembering that challenging goals, like the one you are committing to will change you because you are worth it.
Follow Your 30 Day Prosperity Gratitude Challenge. You’ll receive a new prosperity gratitude insight and prompt every day—for the next 30 days. Every day will bring you closer to the “new prosperous you” results you desire as each day layers on top of the precious one (aka, the compounding effect).
Say Goodbye to Your Beliefs. You will be asked to push through resistance, confront your emotional barriers, and raise your standards. From the moment you begin, fears and negative self talk will confront you. Each day will stir up new feelings and you will be relentlessly rewiring your identity with new patterns of abundance thinking.
I’m Wendi Blum.

I know a couple things about prosperous results… and if you’re a man, women, an entrepreneur, or someone who simply wants to accelerate their rate of success, play a much bigger game and unleash their greatness… I can help.

Over the years, I have become known as The Super-fast Results Coach and developed a reputation as someone who works with business owners and individuals when they need to step up their A-Game.

I created the 30 Day Gratitude Prosperity Challenge to share with you the same methods I have used to prosper in my own life, and to coach other people and their businesses to do the same.

If your goal is to grow your prosperous life, you are in the right place!

Sign up for the 30 Day Gratitude Prosperity Challenge Today!
Get a head start on the Challenge by grabbing your Gratitude Guide & Journal today!
Copyright © 2018 Wendi Blum