Do you carve out time each and everyday to just breathe?

By the time we are adults we are breathing in a way that actually constricts oxygen and limits how much is available for our cells to thrive. So it is no surprise that over time we face with so many health challenges.

Let’s take time to reverse the trend and move towards health and wellness. It all starts with the breath. I invite each of you to experience the benefits of mindful, intentional breath work.

Simple deep breathin
The most basic thing to remember is that your breath begins with a full exhalation.
Sit in a comfortable position with your hands on your knees. Relax. Inhale through your nose while you count to five. 1…2…3…4…5. Next exhale to a count of five. 1…2…3…4…5. At the bottom of your breath, pause for a count of 5 and then repeat 5 times. (as your progress, keep increasing your count up to 15)
Fire Breath
Many forms of yoga begin with breathing techniques, or pranayama.
Prana means ‘breath’ or ‘life force’ in Sanskrit.
Sit in a comfortable position. With your mouth closed, breath in and out through your nose as fast as possible. Try to breath in and out as equally as possible. Continue for 10–15 seconds, no more at first. As you become more accustomed to this technique you can increase the exercise to one full minute.
Three-part breathing
This yoga technique is very useful during times of stress, or at any time you need to relax. It is extremely relaxing and can be done before bed to assist with sleep issues.
Close your eyes. With your mouth closed, exhale deeply through your nose. Imagine that you are pouring the breath out of a jug, starting at the top of your chest and moving down through your mid-torso and into your diaphragm. Pause for two counts at the bottom of the breath, then inhale through your nose. Refill the “jug” slowly, counting to five. Start at the bottom, expanding your diaphragm and belly, then your mid-torso, and lastly the top of your chest and lungs. Pause for two counts and exhale as before. Repeat 5–10 times.