Sometimes you gotta really change things up. This morning I am stepping out into newer (and greener) terrain into a tropical paradise. See, I decided a over 5 years ago that I would spend my 50th birthday in at a Bali Retreat by myself in silence. Then something shifted (I did celebrate my birthday in silence but I didn’t travel across the globe to do it). I decided that the experience had to be shared (aren’t they richer, more meaningful and even more fun when they are) and well, you know what happens when you make a decision…”The Universe conspires to open doors and help make it happen” so we are off.
What about you? Are you staying on the sidelines making excuses or are you “all in” making plans? Here are 5 reasons you want to live your dream now instead of waiting for them to suddenly appear:
1.) Life is about saying YES to you and NO to the distractions. You may have to say no to spending your dough on the unimportant things (like Starbucks latte) today so that you have the resources to say yes to the more important things that really matter in the long run.
2.) The “no regrets” rule. Oh, you don’t have one of those well maybe you need to start making some new life rules to live by. At the end of the day there isn’t anyone who is dying that says I wish I would of worked more or had more stuff (it all boils down to the experiences that made life RICH). I knew if I didn’t finally host a Bali Retreat sometime in my life, I would be feel that disappointment.
3.) Life is about learning and growing. You have to throw yourself into to become a greater version of yourself. Doing the same old stuff day in and day out won’t increase your “intrinsic value”. To become someone new you have to learn something new. Many years later I have learned more by experimenting, making mistakes, and then improving the next time around.
4.) Time goes by quickly. If you put things off then you run the ultimate risk of life getting in the way. Even if you make a plan and have to adjust your timeline at least you have your vision map in hand and can rework the scheduling. I may have pushed back the time line to finally hosting my retreat in Bali but I eventually decided to just go for it.
5.) Life is about PLAYING full out. To be joyous, you have to savor every moment, be grateful and live each breath with curiosity, wonder and excitement.
I decided just a few years ago to do some leaping and I invite you to come along on the journey!!
To Flourishing,
P.S. – Join us next year in Bali. Mark your calendar for July 19th- August 2st 2018!!