What comes to mind when the word “increase” comes up? Do you think of more debt, more phone calls you have to make or more problems lurking around the corner or do you think of more laughter, beauty or money?

Everything in the Universe is either expanding or contracting. Your health is either increasing or decreasing,  your emotional makeup is either becoming stronger  or weakening, your business is either growing or shrinking and here is the deal, nothing in life ever stays the same. Isn’t it time to use your will and power to increase the good with open arms to receive so much more?

If you answered YES (and my intuition says you did) then you are just 3 steps away from adding more pizzazz into your life.

Step number #1 Make a firm, concrete, “ALL IN” decision. Decide RIGHT here, right NOW to focus on “increase” to put MORE life in YOUR life. Cool, next step (you decided, right?) is to know what you want MORE of…

Step number #2  Be specific and figure out what you desire MORE of. Is it more CONFIDENCE…more LOVE…more SUCCESS…more PIZZAZZ? Get crystal clear by asking a series of MORE questions. Start with “What do I want more of”? One you get your answer then ask another question to further guide you on your MORE  journey. If for example, your answer is more confidence then ask what do I need more of to gain more confidence (Ok, great, now that you have put your request in to the powers that be you can move forward to the next phrase).

Step number #3  Claim it. Declare it. Take MORE action towards it. Think baby steps but do something everyday using the more discovery system outlined in step 2.  For example if you want MORE confidence then write out a list of 5-10 additional things you can do that will boost your confidence. Your list might consist of reading a book on confidence, listening to an audio on self esteem, taking an acting class, running in a 3 mile race, or looking in the mirror and speaking positive declarations such as I am confident (and if you really want more confidence you should a version of that list and more).

The bottom line is life meant to be MORE than you can ever imagine. Take a big INHALE and experience it all plus MORE.

To Even MORE Success,


P.S. – Did this resonate with you? If so, I would LOVE to hear from you below!!!!!!!!

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