Random Acts of Kindness

How can you bring more JOY into your life?

We can sprinkle JOY into the lives of others and then watch the JOY circle back around and
land directly back into our own life.
Wow…does this really happen? Yes…it actually does and if you are skeptical just try it and see what happens.

Life does give us back exactly what we intentionally and unintentionally think, do, and are to others. The reason why many people do not realize this universal principle is because of the dimension of time. It could take years or lifetimes before the lesson circles back around to us and we don’t always connect the dots.

So where do you start if you truly want to make a difference in the lives of others.
You start with small, easy to take steps beginning with random acts of kindness.
Here a just a few suggestions:
1.) Smile at everyone you see and make it a point to smile lovingly at anyone who appears to be having a bad day.
2.) Ask someone a question, then engage them in a conversation you know will make them feel good.
3.) Seek out opportunities where you can offer a hand- open a door for someone, offer a parking attendant a bottle of water or pay the toll for someone behind you on the highway.
4.) Let someone go ahead of you in line at the grocery store or the bank.
5.) Send out secret blessings to people you see throughout the day, especially someone who is impatient, appears angry, or seems agitated.

Set an intention at the beginning of the day to perform an random act of kindness. If you want to feel good, make someone else feel good.

Think it…Believe it…Achieve it!

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