If you got a chance to come back in your next life as an animal- which one would it be and why?
Wouldn’t that be cool…you could come back as a lion living in Africa or a cute little kitten living in a cozy apartment in Manhattan.
We can learn so much about life and ourselves when we pay attention to the connection we feel with our fury friends.
I just knew instantly, when I was about 10 years old that I had some magically connection with Samoyeds. I just fell deeply in love with this breed (from the second I saw one) and have had them in my life from the time I became an adult. Animals gift us with many of the traits we are seeking for own lives…unconditional love, contentment, and playfulness.
Next time you are feeling blah, blue, or bored go find a furry friend to play with, talk to and just fantasize about becoming one.
Wishing you a day filled with EVERYTHING WONDERFUL,