Being able to receive is much trickier than it sounds. Most of us have never actually been taught “how” to receive and therefore end up doing things that end up sabataging our relationships, careers, and health.

The Art of Receiving starts with being to give first to yourself… gifts of love, hope and strength and then being open to receive them.

Here are 3 reasons why you end up swirling around in a vicious cycle of  negativity and remain stuck instead of moving forward

1.) You haven’t ever really thought about what it is you really truly want.

2.) You believe that someone will suddenly appear in your lives, figure out what you need and then give it to you.

3.) Deep down inside you don’t really believe you are worthy of abundant health, wealth, and happiness.

To create new outcomes requires changing the patterns and beliefs that have been holding you back from your greatness and living your best life.

Do you have the power inside of you to manifest a magnificent life?

Yes and here is how you know this is true. If one person can alter, change, or reverse their circumstance then it is possible for anyone and everyone to do it.  I know this to be true because I have lived it and have made it my life’s work to share the techniques and formulas that I used in my own life.

Here are 3 powerful tools that you can start using immediately to shift and transform your life.

1.) Write down a personal mission statement about what you want to accomplish in your life and frame it. Put it next to your bed and read it every night before going to sleep.

2.) Close your eyes and see your life exactly the way you want it to be. See perfect health…see yourself smiling and laughing…see financial security the way you want it to show up in your life…see your ideal partner treating you with respect. Feel it. Appreciate it. Give thanks for it as if it has already happened.

3.) Declare, affirm and say outloud each and everyday…”I am open to receive the divine gifts from the Universe”.

Wishing you a Much Success Always,
