How Do You Start Your Day?

How do you start your day? The first 60 minutes in the morning sets up the RHYTHM, the FLOW, the GROOVE for the entire day…powerful, right? Wouldn’t it make sense that no matter how busy you matter what is going on in your life….that you...

Countdown to 2011- The Power of Believing

Ever wonder why when you set goals you  start off strong and then  fizzle out? You use  all the right formulas and tools but out of no-where obstacles, challenges and set-backs show up and  then self doubt takes over.  You want to believe… you really do but...

Countdown to 2011- Your Tribe

How important is it to surround yourself with positive, uplifting and supportive people? On a scale of 1-10… it is a definite 10. You can have good intentions, great ideas, and a big heart but if you are hanging with the “other” crowd (you know the...

Countdown to 2011- Raising Your Vibration

Have you ever walked into a room and felt a really “good vibe”? How about the opposite…have you ever walked in and felt dense and negative energy? What’s up with that? EVERYTHING IS ENERGY – We live in a world of energy made up of...

Countdown to 2011-

Ok…I did an end of the year countdown last year and it really paid off so I decided to do it again. Most people wait until the the December 31st and start thinking of goals (resolutions)  while they are running off to a New Year’s Eve party where they will...

Quieting The Mind

QUIETING the Mind Preparing the mind so that you can uncover your HEART’S  desire and let your  true DESTINY emerge is the golden key.  It may take some PRACTICE but I believe it is critical to your LONG term success.  So where do you start? BEFORE you can soak up the...

Your Aha Moment

Have you had one? The moment when you finally “get” something that had been starring you straight in the face for decades and then you suddenly can see it. We waltz through life with blinders on just like the race horses. We can drive up and down the same...

What is Success Anyway?

Success means different things to different people…it really boils down to a feeling.   If you are living your life the way you want to live it and feel fulfilled and content then BINGO-  you are successful. I have spent the last decade studying...

Systematic Giving- The Power of “Ten”

Do you consider yourself to be charitable…generous and giving? I would of considered myself to be all of that until recently when I started to do a really close self examination in this area and realized that I have not really been consistent…I...

Are You Open to Receive?

Are you generous, think of others, and always doing, giving, and sharing?  Isn’t it the greatest feeling? Don’t you just love being able to help someone else feel better, overcome a challenge or achieve something that they strongly desire? When you openly...

15 Ways to Have a Great Day

Raising your Vibration/Frequency Daily rituals…little by little over time…raise your vibration,…lift your frequency and overtime you will manifest faster…quicker. It takes time but you will…it is like working out at the gym and has a compounding effect over...

Setting Goals Is Key For Success

Fail to Plan and Plan to Fail~Winston Churchill Most of us spend more time shopping for a special outfit to wear for an event than we spend planning and setting goals for our life. What do you see for your life in 1 year? How about 3 years? 10 years? Are you...

What is your Destiny?

Have you really pondered this question and do you think it is to late to influence yours? Do you know who you truly are…or even more importantly- do you know who you are not? How do know if you are in the right relationship, career, or living in the right...

Your Personal Brand

How important is your personal brand? Do you own your name as a domain name? Regardless of whether you work for someone or own your own business in this day and age everyone should own their name as a domain name. Why? Because you never know if someday you may want to...

Nourishing the Soul

When is the best time to take a break to soak in your success so that you open up to an even bigger vision for your life? When things are going well and things are humming along it will serve you well to take the time to pause, reflect and allow the feeling of...