Jul 22, 2010 | Inspired & Motivated
Courage Just seeing the word “courage” can trigger those thoughts, feelings, and give you a extra dose just when you need it most. Do you know how much power is hidden within each and every one of us? We just need to use effective tools that allow us to...
Jul 19, 2010 | Lifestyle Design
I stumbled onto a 31 day blog challenge the same day it was starting – and since my motto is “there are no accidents” I believe it happened so that I could participate…so here it goes- Here are my new fun blog buddies… This blog hopping...
Jul 19, 2010 | Lifestyle Design
We just passed the half way mark and are into the second half of the year. Just like a ball game you have to keep your eye on the score- are you ahead, tie or losing the game? If you are lagging behind then you can still win the game but you have to formulate a plan,...
Jul 4, 2010 | Inspired & Motivated
Wishes for a Happy Independence Day- July 4, 2010 Today is a celebration of freedom and independence. It is a time to be thankful to those before us that have gifted us many of the freedoms that we have today in this country. It is also a reminder that we must be...
Jul 1, 2010 | Inspired & Motivated
Do you know how much power YOU have to impact the life of another person? Yes…YOU and you alone can change the direction of a person’s life and the direction of our entire planet. YOU could be the tipping point. You may not even know in your lifetime all...
Jun 25, 2010 | Lifestyle Design
Just seeing the word “courage” can trigger those thoughts, feelings, and give you a extra dose just when you need it most. Do you know how much power is hidden within each and every one of us? We just need to use effective tools that allow us to tap into...
Jun 22, 2010 | Neuroscience & Mindset
Ever have one of those “off” days when things just are in a complete a total funk? How do you find your groove and get back on track? How do you shake off the blues? First and foremost, know that EVERYONE has these days. Yes, even the happiest people find...
Jun 20, 2010 | Inspired & Motivated
Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Healing Prayer for the Gulf: “I send the energy of love and gratitude to the water and all the living creatures in the Gulf of Mexico and its surroundings. To the whales, dolphins, pelicans, fish, shellfish, plankton, coral, algae, and...
Jun 20, 2010 | Lifestyle Design
One of the most rewarding yet challenging roles a man will ever have is to being a father. There is no rule book or amount of prep work you can do to get prepared- it is strickly on the job training. On this Father’s Day, I celebrate all men everywhere,...
Jun 19, 2010 | Inspired & Motivated
What impact could one little butterfly have on the world? Could it be true that the flutter of a single butterfly in one part of the world could influence the weather patterns on the opposite side of our planet? Yes, it is true. Known as “The Butterfly Effect” this...
Jun 18, 2010 | Lifestyle Design
Do you want to reach more people, form alliances, and connect with like minded people? There are so many ways to align with your tribe. We are drawn to certain teachers and events that match up with who we are or who we want to be. 2010 is the year for us all the...
Jun 11, 2010 | Neuroscience & Mindset
If you got a chance to come back in your next life as an animal- which one would it be and why? Wouldn’t that be cool…you could come back as a lion living in Africa or a cute little kitten living in a cozy apartment in Manhattan. We can learn so much about...
Jun 9, 2010 | Lifestyle Design
Have you ever just pushed it to the limit…really taken it to the very edge? When you love what you do and wonderful opportunities keep popping up it is easy to get in a groove and forget to take the foot off the gas pedal. It even happens when things...
Jun 1, 2010 | Inspired & Motivated
So much to do and so little time…what is a girl suppose to do? Are you busy being busy? What can you eliminate that is vibrating at a lower frequency so that you can insert and replace it with something of a higher frequency? Over 2 years ago I decided to...
May 22, 2010 | Inspired & Motivated
Have you ever noticed that if you slow down you actually accomplish more? We think we get so much done when we rush around in a frenzy but the opposite is actually true. When we feel the urge to run around doing twenty things at once if we actually just slow down...