The Right Connection

Do you ever wonder why you are drawn to certain people and not others? Have you ever had an instant connection with someone and then the lack of one with others. It all boils down to the feeling you get about the other person. When your vibration (frequency) matches...

Is your Elevator Empty?

Is your elevator empty? Sometimes you have to let a few people get out so that you can make room for others that are aligned with the vision you have for yourself and for the world. So what about all those long-standing relationships, the ones you have held on to for...

Believe it (or not) You Choose.

How would you describe your life? Are you happy and fulfilled? Do you jump out of bed and whistle to work? Life is exactly what you believe it is. If you believe the world is a miserable place then every experience you have will confirm that you are right but the...

What is Your Legacy?

What is your legacy? What do you want to be remembered for? We spend more time picking out a pair of new shoes then thinking about the mark we want to leave on the world. We just put off thinking about the things that really matter and fill that time with all the...

Time to Celebrate

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate ~ Oprah Winfrey Do you take time to celebrate your successes?  It doesn’t matter how big or how small because everything counts. We usually save “celebration time”...

Laugh Out Loud

When was the last time you really laughed out loud…a deep belly laugh? A good chuckle every single day will keep the mental health doctor away and has enormous other health benefits. Your skin will glow, you will feel amazing, and you will inject others with...

The Power of a Smile

Have you ever really stopped and thought about the power of a single smile. It is intangible, free, and everyone has the same ability to access one. A simple smile can change some-one’s mood, their day and impact their life in a positive way. Sounds so easy but...

Just Breathe

Just Breathe Do you carve out time each and everyday to just breathe? By the time we are adults we are breathing in a way that actually constricts oxygen and limits how much is available for our cells to thrive. So it is no surprise that over time we face with so many...


To FORGIVE is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.-Louis B. Smedes To err is human; to forgive, divine.– Alexander Pope Sincere FORGIVENESS isn’t colored with expectations that the other person apologize or change. Don’t...

The Artist Within

Do you believe there is an artist that lives inside of you just waiting to be discovered? I certainly do! I believe we each have an abundance of special gifts, artist abilities and creative talents just waiting to surface. Think back to when you were a small child....

Visualization We have heard a lot of buzz about this topic ~ and we all know someone (including ourselves) that have tried this technique and have come up short changed. So let’s take a look at the NUTS and BOLTS~ Why does this work for some of us and not others?...

Can You Hear Me?

Are you a good listener? Are you totally present and listening with your heart and soul? Most of us are barely paying attention to what someone is saying because we are consumed in what we want to say and getting ready to jump in to get our own voice heard. When we...

Cleaning out the Closet

  Release and let go to make room for the new BLESSINGS that are patiently waiting for an opening to come in. So many of us complain about what is, spend time wishing about what could be, and watch life pass them by. We fill our lives with clutter, dense energy,...

Just Breathe

Do you carve out time each and everyday to just breathe? By the time we are adults we are breathing in a way that actually constricts oxygen and limits how much is available for our cells to thrive. So it is no surprise that over time we face with so many health...

The Wellness Retreat

Please click on this link here to learn more about this life-changing retreat taking place in South Florida on October 8th, 9th, 10th 2010. We look forward to seeing you there!