Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time

  Once upon a time…there was a girl (boy) named _______________ (and so the story goes). What do you think of how YOUR story is playing out so far? Are you digging it? Do you wake up everyday feeling energized and roaring to go or do you wake up feeling...
Take A Journey

Take A Journey

This week as Paul and I are driving up the coast traveling through 15 states, I can’t help thinking about how all of life is a journey. So I have a question for you. Where are you heading? What if… Every experience you have in life is like a road...
Free to Be Me

Free to Be Me

Do you feel free…really free? Do you even remember what feeling free feels like? Deep down inside I believe there is a voice that is screaming out “let me out” so I can be FREE to be me! So what does freedom feel like anyway? If there is ever a time...
5 Ways To Bring True Balance Into Your Life

5 Ways To Bring True Balance Into Your Life

Can you have too much of a good thing…or of anything? If you ate at your favorite restaurant everyday you would most likely gain weight, become bored, and be missing out on the chance to discover an even better dining experience. Doing anything to an extreme is...
Creating a Bigger Vision

Creating a Bigger Vision

Creating a Bigger Vision So here’s a question for you:  On a 1-10 how much time, energy and resources have you put into creating an even bigger life for yourself in 2013? If you reflected, contemplated and thought out what you really want (ok, so you have to be bendy...

The Law of Attention

Do you know what you don’t want? I sure did and I grew up focusing on it. I knew exactly what I didn’t want and I decided that my life experience would be different. Hah, that plan really backfired. Here is the paradox and what usually happens. You start...