Free to be me

Do you feel free…really free? Do you even remember what feeling free feels like? Deep down inside I believe there is a voice that is screaming out “let me out” so I can be FREE to be me! So what does freedom feel like anyway? If there is ever a time to explore independence now is the time…

The opposite of freedom is feeling restricted, trapped or completely stuck (in a job, relationship, or current situation).  Many people know those feelings all too well (perhaps this is you). They believe that life just happens to them so they might as well accept life the way it is right now. Oh, and of course, they complain about it (big time). There are a zillion and one reasons why, if you fall into this category, it is your time to break those chains and BE free.

First, know that freedom is born the moment you start seeking it with a burning desire to catch a whiff.

Second, know it all begins with feeling free in your mind. Even if your current situation is extremely difficult if you allow your mind to open up just a wee bit wider, a new idea, solution, or  way out might reveal itself to you.

If you need some help prying the door to your mind open start slow and ask yourself “Am I being me“? The more you are willing to allow your truth to emerge (in all areas of your life) the freer and freer you will become.

This Independence Day, commit to giving to you (and your loved ones) the gift of freedom. Be free to just BE.

Much Success,


 P.S. -Your voice matters. I would LOVE to hear from you below…