How to Write a Mission Statement With Examples

Guiding principles.  A mission.  Companies have them. What about entrepreneurs? Do they matter?

I like to think of them as a compass taking you to your personalized north star.  Your vision actualized.

I worked for a half a dozen companies in corporate America for approximately 30 years. They all had them. It was part of the company culture. A philosophy of sorts.

One of the very first things I did as a new business owner when I left the corporate side of things and ventured out on my own was to write out my mission statement. I even printed and framed it and carried it with me on stages as a speaker, author, entrepreneur.

My mission statement aligned me with my passion and purpose. It aligned and anchored my mind with the why in my heart.

Regardless of where you are on your business journey, I truly believe your mission and vision is the foundation.

Imagine solving problems and making an impact based on your soul’s personalized calling.

Imagine your customers and clients walking away with a feeling of connection and alignment with your products and services because you stand for similar things.

Imagine putting your head on the pillow each night with clarity of mind, heart-centered drive, and action-oriented commitment.

After many years of revisiting these concepts at different stages of my business and working together with my mentor to help me crystalize them even deeper as I bring them forward into the foundation of everything I do.



The Mission of Success Blueprint is to ignite, inspire & empower the masses into their highest vision for a masterpiece life. We do this by offering customized mindset tools and advanced skill set resources

Core Principles

  • In all interactions seek first to understand and to walk in the other person’s shoes with love and compassion.
  • We practice and live in alignment for the greater good of all.
  • We are guided and supported by a Higher Power and give ourselves wholeheartedly to this divine energy.
  • Every action we take is based on bringing the flow of abundance to the clients we serve at the highest level.
  • We embody the belief of an optimized, beautiful, bright future for all of mankind.
  • We bring creative solutions knowing that everything is figureoutable.
  • We are spiritual beings having a human experience and that being true, happiness, love, and freedom are our birthright.
  • Positive Energy is contagious therefore we bring the best of who we are into our communications each and every day.
  • Empowered people empower other people; we live this philosophy of empowering the masses.
  • Until our last breath, we commit to living our legacy through our daily actions.
  • Profitability is essential. The more abundance flows in the more abundance we can flow back out into the world in a positive and productive way.