
That’s the number of minutes we have available in 24 hours. 

And the good thing is…

We all have the same amount of time, irrespective of where we are in our journey. 

So, the question arises, why do some people are able to take massive action while others are almost always strapped for time? 

Well, the answer is pretty simple!

Changemaking, fast-growing entrepreneurs know the kind of impact they want to create. They are crystal clear about their message, their purpose, their larger-than-life vision, and that’s what drives them to take action. 

While the ones who keep chasing short-term wins are always running short of something (time, money, happiness). 

This is where the concept of 24-HOUR IMPACT comes in. 

Here’s how it works. 

When you get clear on the kind of impact you want to create, the drive, the desire, the fire to create that impact stimulates ACTION. 

You don’t slack anymore 

You don’t wait for some magical “tomorrow” 

You don’t get stuck in inaction or perfectionism 




Because now, you know that you have an impact to create: 

  • In your own life 
  • In the lives of your family and friends 
  • And the ones who are trusting you with their time & money (i.e., your clients and community) 

That said, when you’re rooted in your 24-HOUR IMPACT, structuring your days for productivity is the next important step. 

Want to see how I structure my days for massive action, accountability and profits? 

Here’s my proprietary system to structure your days for success: 

Step 1: Massive Action in the Morning – The W’s: Wake up. Drink Water. Work out. Write. Win with my first DONE priority.

Step 2: Massive Action in the afternoon – The M’s: Get done with the Meetings (client meetings, team meetings, exploration meetings, creation meetings)

Step 3: Massive Action in the PM – The F’s: Finish Up daily commitments and promises and check all the boxes. Find some time to write your next day’s action steps. Done! 

What about you? Do you structure your days for productivity and profitability? Or let the clock run your life?

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