Countdown to 2011- Day 2

You come here with nothing and you leave with nothing. The dash in between becomes the story of your life.

Our bodies are on loan to us so we can have individual experiences and learn our lessons while we are here. Part of that experience is the ability to own material objects We are really just borrowing them temporarily and sooner or later must let go of them. Our purpose is not to possess or collect these things. When we de-tach from all the stuff, the materials things lose their power and we get in touch with the power inside of us.

Once you melt away the desire to collect and posses material things, then you become free of other stuff too. You release all of those thoughts which creates new space to add thoughts of joy, peace, and compassion for others. The old thoughts leave you feeling empty and unsatisfied once the initial high wears off. The new thoughts bring a sense of freedom and fulfillment. It is not easy to get there but you can.

I started a practice many years ago that I continue to this day. Whenever someone tells me they love something I own, I give it to them. I also gave away most of my possessions once my youngest son left for college and decided at that point to only own what I actually needed- 2-3 coffee cups, towels, etc. An amazing thing happens once you get rid of all that “stuff”. You gain clarity and focus in all other areas of your life.

Non-attachment also relates to the expectations for our lives, the wants and desires of other people , and for specific outcomes in general. We can set an intention, say a prayer, and take action but then you have to let go and detach from the end result. If we get wrapped up in the future, then we are no longer living in the present moment.

When I  became certified as a yoga teacher and was intrigued with the official definition of “yoga”. The meaning of yoga is non-attachment. It is my desire that each one of you will experience this. I know I want to keep this sacred meaning front and center in my own life.


Success Blueprint, LLC. All right reserved. Copywrite 2010 1500 Harbour Isle Drive. Hutchinson Island, Florida 34949

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