The Power of a Smile

Have you ever really stopped and thought about the power of a single smile. It is intangible, free, and everyone has the same ability to access one.

A simple smile can change some-one’s mood, their day and impact their life in a positive way. Sounds so easy but yet we forget that we have this unlimited resource in our reach every moment of every day.

Even when you don’t feel like smiling or are having a bad day it is available as a tool to use to turn things around instantly. A smile releases endorphins, those happy tingly feelings that give you the feeling that life is good.

Oh…did I forgot to mention that a smile literally takes 10 years or more off your face. Someone who smiles is instantly more attractive and desirable. Wow…did I mention how incredibly powerful a smile can be?

Look into the mirror right now…this very moment and give yourself a gigantic smile. Nice isn’t it? Ok… so you feel a giggle coming on…bring that on too. Your smile is a precursor to laughter and laughter is the best medicine…but that is tomorrow’s topic.

Sending each of you a BIG smile,


Want something to smile about? Come join us at The Wellness Retreat Oct 8-9-10 in Stuart, Florida