
Are you a risk taker?

Most people sit on the sidelines and wait for just the “right time” and everything to be in perfect order before they bust a move. Guess what? Life swirls by and before you know it, the days have become years and the dreams have faded to woulda, coulda, shoulda’s.

Why is it that you are so scared to take a chance?  You have been programmed to live your life in a way that you won’t fail but playing it safe ultimately becomes regret at the end of one’s life — now THAT is failure.

There are no guarantees except that unless you are willing to risk losing something that you can gain it. A rich life is on the other side of risk (richness in the really good stuff like joy, peace, and fulfillment). Even if you don’t succeed you will know you tried and with that comes satisfaction.

So do it. Take a risk. Risk being wrong or looking silly. First, start small so you can get used to feeling uncomfortable. Go to the movies alone. Speak out when you normally remain silent.  Wear a hat even though you think you look goofy in one.

Next, take a bigger risk. Travel to some new exotic place. Write a book. Leave the job that you hate. Move to a new city that intrigues you even though you don’t know anyone there.  Allow yourself to fall madly in love even if he might someday leave you. Do it anyway.

Risk is THE way. You won’t know it unless you do it.  And…

Always Believe,
