The 3-5-7 Connection Formula
The Connection Formula
So little time and so much to do…how do you stay connected in an increasingly busy world? Not only will you feel happier but when an opportunity pops up on one of your associate’s desk they will think about YOU first.
If you want to stand out the crowd (and I know you do) then you have to stand out. Most people wait until they need something before calling someone. You can think of several people right now that only call you when they want something. How does that make you feel? Are they the ones you are going to call when you have a chance to recommend someone for a great job, a new client, or a TV interview? Nope, not a chance!
Just yesterday I got a call from someone asking for recommendations for a cool podcast project being filmed in Miami and I immediately thought of the person I had lunch with the day before…coincidence? This wonderful colleague had taken time out of their very busy schedule to help me with something I was working on. By the way, I wasn’t consciously aware that is why I thought of this person because the entire filtering process was going on in my subconscious mind. (I had a “aha” moment while writing this post).
So how can you build stronger relationships, trust and connect deeper. By investing your time in “face time” and connecting for no other reason than to say hello and see how you can help the other person.
Here is my personal 3-5-7 Connection Formula:
1.) Connect with 3 people a week over a meal (breakfast, lunch, or dinner…coffee counts too). Inquire and ask about the other person and allow them to do most of the talking while you do most of the listening.
2.) Connect with 5 people directly on the phone. Offer ways to be of assistance and take one action step that can help each one in their business.
3.) Connect with 7 people via skype, video chat or snail mail (they will remember you took the time to write them). Send a congratulations note to someone who just got a new job, relocated or whose child just got into college.
Oh, and one last note, when you follow-up periodically by doing something incredible, amazing, and really special for someone on your list…then guess what happens?
To Your Success,
Wendi Blum
P.S.- 2013 is YOUR year to SHINE…Join us on January 26th to crystalize your VISION and put into place your ACTION plan for the upcoming year…Oh, and did I mention that we are going to have FUN in the process??? (just sayin’)…
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