So do you manage your time or do you manage your energy? Hmmm….interesting question and an important one too. What if you could get more things done in less time, would you want to know how?

Ever since I started my own coaching practice several years ago I have been experimenting with a principle that works like this…the slower you go the more you accomplish. Sounds confusing, right? The proof was in the results I was getting over and over again. I would set a goal and accomplish it. Then I would set 5 goals, done, 10 goals, complete them, 20 goals and master them all.
I wrote a book in 60 days, produced over 6 CDs in 90 days, spoke 111 times in 1 year and built a successful coaching practice in less than 2 years. Other weren’t getting anywhere near as much done. What was the reason for this gap and how do you get it all done when there is so much to do? Overwhelming, right?

The key is to replenish, restore, and renew your ENERGY so that when you are working you have the DRIVE, FOCUS, and ABILITY to complete your projects (ie, the energy). Most entrepreneurs are burning the midnight oil and therefore are exhausted and drained and frankly, can’t operate for the long haul at their best. You can’t give 100% if you aren’t feeling 100%…plain and simple. To perform at your best, you have to feel your best. It is important to implement daily, weekly and yearly rituals to fill your tank back up with fuel so can keep your level of performance up to a very high level. Seek ways to feel good everyday so that you can perform at your best.

I suspect that most of you that are reading this article aren’t able to stay in their peak performance zone since I was just at a conference where they conducted an energy audit and 150 people failed terribly. I felt very fortunate to have one of the best scores in the room and want you to have the energy to perform at your peak too.

Here are a few key takeaways and principles that you can use in your own life to keep your gas tank full and performing at your optimal levels.

1.) Take frequent pauses and breaks (I take a break every 1.5-2 hours). You can run in place, stretch by doing a couple of yoga poses, or do some breathe work.
2.) Focus on the top 3 things on your to do list first thing in the morning when you are most likely to be alert and in your creative zone.
3.) Have an accountability/motivation partner to gently guide you back on track if you fall off.
4.) Play music and let your hair down by dancing, singing, or humming along.
5.) Take a relaxation or meditation break and close your eyes and allow any tension or stress to melt away.

Life is meant to be savored and if you don’t have enough time to smell the roses along the way perhaps it is smelling the roses along the way that will give you the energy in you need to accomplish the things you really want to get done.
At the end of the day, to accomplish more and do it successfully requires taking good care of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Oh by the way, you end up feeling good as a by product too!

Wishing you a week filled with RENEWED ENERGY!

P.S- Check out my new INTENTION SETTING program. Daily, weekly and monthly audio tools for living your best life.
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